Jeffrey N. Mausner
ph: (310) 617-8100
Jeff formerly worked as a federal prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, where he received numerous awards from the Attorney General for his work in prosecuting Nazi war criminals. He received the U.S. Justice Department Meritorious Award for "Superior Performance of Duties on a Continuous Basis," the Exceptional Performance Award, and the Justice Department Special Achievement Award, among others. Jeffrey Mausner U.S. Justice Department Awards
Jeff graduated magna cum laude from Cornell Law School, where he was an editor of the Law Review.
Jeffrey Mausner
Jeffrey Mausner served as a Federal Prosecutor in the United States Department of Justice, Office of Special Investigations (OSI), from 1979 to December 1985. This was the unit of the Justice Department that prosecuted Nazi war criminals. Jeff received numerous awards from the Attorney General for his work in prosecuting Nazi war criminals, including the U.S. Justice Department Meritorious Award for "Superior Performance of Duties on a Continuous Basis," the Exceptional Performance Award, the Outstanding Performance Award, and the Justice Department Special Achievement Award. Jeff Mausner U.S. Justice Department Awards
The collection of Mausner's papers from his work at the Justice Department are at the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, and can be found here:
Jeff left the Justice Department and moved from Washington DC to Tarzana, California in January 1986. He was a partner in a law firm and eventually had his own law firm, where he practiced intellectual property litigation. Jeff has been an Adjunct Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School since 1992, teaching Advanced Copyright Law, Internet and Computer Law, and Intellectual Property Law. In 2001, Jeff received the Adjunct Excellence in Teaching Award.
Jeff retired from practicing law in 2012 and now devotes his time to helping animals. He is a Volunteer at the City's West Valley City Animal Shelter, where he helps with adoptions of dogs and takes them out of their kennels for exercise, walks, and training. Jeff is a Board Member and the 2nd Vice President of the Tarzana Neighborhood Council and Chairman of its Animal Welfare Committee (AWC). The AWC deals with issues involving the City of Los Angeles Animal Shelters; opposition to killings of healthy, adoptable dogs, cats, and rabbits; works with and assists rescue organizations; deals with issues of wild animals like coyotes and outbreaks of animal diseases; along with other matters. The AWC develops programs to increase adoptions of animals at the Shelters and reduce the number of animals killed there. Animals, and the people who care about them, should have a voice on the neighborhood council.
Jeff and the AWC received the “best of” award for 2017 from the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils for “Engaging the City to Save the Lives of Hundreds of Animals.” See:
Best of Award, Animal Welfare Committee, Jeffrey Mausner
Jeff received the Guardian of the Animals Award from the organization In Defense of Animals in 2023, for his work to end the brutal dog and cat meat trade in foreign countries, in which tens of millions of dogs and cats are tortured and killed each year, and his work to improve the conditions for animals in Los Angeles animal shelters.
Jeff received the Guardian of the Animals Award from the organization In Defense of Animals in 2023, for his work to end the brutal dog and cat meat trade in foreign countries, in which tens of millions of dogs and cats are tortured and killed each year, and his work to improve the conditions for animals in Los Angeles animal shelters.
Jeff received recognition and special commendations from the California Legislature for his successful volunteer work to help save the lives of millions of animals, as well as his prior work prosecuting Nazi war criminals, in March 2024. Link.
Cornell Law School
J.D. 1976; Magna Cum Laude; Editor, CORNELL LAW REVIEW; Order of the Coif; Class Rank: 11th
Brown University
B.A. 1972; Dean's List
Prior Associations:
Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Office of Special Investigations, Washington, D.C., 1979 - 1985
Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney's Office, Criminal Division, Eastern District of Virginia, 1982 - 1983
Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Maryland, 1982
Associate Attorney, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler, New York, N.Y., 1976 - 1979
Professional Admissions, Associations and Teaching Positions:
State Bars of California, New York, Colorado & the District of Columbia
Adjunct Professor of Law, Southwestern University School of Law
(Advanced Copyright Law, Intellectual Property, Internet and Computer Law)
President, Los Angeles Copyright Society 2003 - 2004; President Elect 2002 - 2003; Vice President 2001 - 2002
Arbitrator, National Arbitration Forum
Speaker and Moderator for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education seminars
Published Articles:Protecting Your Product from Counterfeiters - What the Legal System Can Do For You, CERAMICS MAGAZINE, July 1994
Protecting Your Product from Counterfeiters, BOBBIN MAGAZINE, July 1994
The Ex Parte Seizure: Your Weapon Against Counterfeiters, THE CRAFTS REPORT, Vol. 20, No. 221, September 1994
Company Assets, Confidential Information, and the Mobile Employee Lorman Education Services, 1996
State Exemptions From Securities Regulation Coextensive With SEC Rule 146, 1976 SECURITIES LAW REVIEW 785 (This article originally appeared as a student note in 61 CORNELL LAW REVIEW 157, 1975.)
Apprehending and Prosecuting War Criminals in the United States , 15 NOVA LAW REVIEW 747 (1991)
Opinion in Advanced Internet Technologies, Inc. v. Mark Bianchi dba Dayton Internet dba Dayton Internet Design Inc. (2004).
Opinion in Gruner + Jahr Printing & Publ’n CO. v. Web Mktg., Inc. (2004).
Opinion in Jamison v. Hugh Hedley and Cyber Holdings, Inc. (2005).
Opinion in GOL TV, Inc. v Onyx Domain Solutions (2007).
Articles on Animal Welfare:
Awards: In Defense of Animals, Guardian of the Animals Award 2023,
Adjunct Excellence in Teaching Award, Southwestern University School of Law, 2001
U.S. Department of Justice Outstanding Performance Rating 1983 - 1985
U.S. Department of Justice Special Achievement Award, 1984
U.S. Department of Justice Meritorious Award for "Superior Performance of Duties on a Continuous Basis," 1982
U.S. Department of Justice Exceptional Performance Rating, 1982
Jeff Mausner U.S. Justice Department Awards
Community Activities and Associations:
Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils, Executive Committee
Board Member and 2nd Vice President of the Tarzana Neighborhood Council;
Chairman of the Neighborhood Council Animal Welfare Committee;
Tarzana Neighborhood Council and Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Liaison to Los Angeles Animal Services Department;
Neighborhood Council Budget Representative and Budget Advocate;
Volunteer at the West Valley City Animal Shelter
Copyright 2012 Law Offices of Jeffrey N. Mausner. All rights reserved.
ph: (310) 617-8100